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Detail from a portrait of the marriage of Princess Helena

Royal Weddings

The history of Royal weddings as seen through items in the Royal Collection

Keeping a record

The Royal Collection contains many paintings, drawings and prints of royal weddings commissioned for both personal and public consumption. Queen Victoria commissioned Sir George Hayter to create a painting of her own wedding. Concurrently, prints and panoramas were also produced as souvenirs for the public.

The wedding of Kind Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in 1863 was the first royal wedding since the introduction of photography as a reliable recording medium. From this point onwards photographs of the royal couple, family, wedding ceremony and procession became commonplace.

There are also more personal depiction from family member - Queen Victoria was a keen amateur artist, and encouraged her children to sketch as well.

The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.