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Royal Weddings

The history of Royal weddings as seen through items in the Royal Collection

Detail from a portrait of the marriage of Princess Helena
The Marriage of Princess Helena, 5 July 1866 ©

Royal weddings have long been a source of deep interest for the country. They have served as a celebration of political alliances, a focus of national unity, as well as a means of celebrating beloved individuals and welcoming new members into both the country and the Royal Family.

The Royal Collection is rich with the mementos, gifts and records of past weddings. From the dynastic marriages of the Stuart monarchs to modern-day love matches, read on to learn more royal weddings over the last 400 years.

Explore the themes below

Wedding cake

Royal wedding cakes are heavy with symbolism

Wedding flowers

The tradition of floral bouquets date back to Roman times

Wedding dresses

Royal wedding dresses have often evoked contemporary fashion


Gifts both between the family, and from the wider public, are in the collection


All kinds of keepsakes have been preserved to remember the weddings

Keeping a record

Weddings have always been popular subjects for art and photography

Public reception

The public have long been interested in Royal weddings

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