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photograph of current display in the Grand Vestibule

Grand Vestibule: The British Monarchy and the World

The Grand Vestibule at Windsor Castle reflects interaction between the monarchy and the wider world

South Asia

Tipu, Sultan of Mysore

Military officials presented objects from Tipu Sultan's collection to the British royal family

The Prince of Wales's Tour of the Indian Subcontinent, 1875-76

Albert Edward exchanged gifts with each of the 90 rulers he met

Recent Exchanges

Gifts exchanged during the current reign

Presentation Swords and Other Weapons

Dazzling weapons for important occasions

Queen Victoria's Reign

A Sovereign fascinated by South Asia

The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.