![[The Prince of Wales and group at the Pyramids, Giza, Egypt] The Prince of Wales and his entourage on camels posing for camera in front of Pyramid of Cheops and Pyramid of Cephrenes, Giza, Cairo. The Prince is seated on the camel fifth from the left. The man in the white suit with a cigar, gazing up at the Prince,](https://cmsadmin.rct.uk/sites/default/files/lead-image/site-section/234412-1323100740.jpg)
Modes of travel and travelling accessories used by monarchs past and present
The Queen visiting Highbury Fields during her Silver Jubilee tour of North London
6 Jul 1977RCIN 2007269
Her Majesty The Queen's Silver Jubilee, marking the 25th anniversary of her accession, was a year of celebrations across the British Isles. Six Jubilee tours took place in the UK and Northern Ireland, covering 36 counties. The Queen’s tour of North London included visits to Camden, Islington and Hackney, and wherever she went she was greeted by flag-waving crowds, cheering with enormous warmth and enthusiasm. This photograph records The Queen's visit to Highbury Fields.
During the Silver Jubilee year more than 100,000 congratulatory cards were received by The Queen and 30,000 Jubilee medals were distributed.