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Royal Travel

Modes of travel and travelling accessories used by monarchs past and present

The Prince of Wales and his entourage on camels posing for camera in front of Pyramid of Cheops and Pyramid of Cephrenes, Giza, Cairo. The Prince is seated on the camel fifth from the left. The man in the white suit with a cigar, gazing up at the Prince,
[The Prince of Wales and group at the Pyramids, Giza, Egypt] ©

For centuries, British monarchs have travelled at home and abroad to strengthen ties with their subjects and forge links with other nations. This trail looks at methods of travel and travelling accessories used by monarchs past and present.

Travel in Britain - Official and Private

Strengthening regional ties and finding time to relax

Overseas Excursions

Diplomatic and military interests prompt royal travel

Modes of Transport

Methods of transportation have changed remarkably

Travel Accessories

Transporting the monarch necessitates a range of accessories

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