![[The Prince of Wales and group at the Pyramids, Giza, Egypt] The Prince of Wales and his entourage on camels posing for camera in front of Pyramid of Cheops and Pyramid of Cephrenes, Giza, Cairo. The Prince is seated on the camel fifth from the left. The man in the white suit with a cigar, gazing up at the Prince,](https://cmsadmin.rct.uk/sites/default/files/lead-image/site-section/234412-1323100740.jpg)
Modes of travel and travelling accessories used by monarchs past and present
King Edward VII (1841-1910), when Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
Signed and dated 1846RCIN 404873
In 1846, while sailing round the Channel Islands on the Royal Yacht, Queen Victoria had a playful idea which sparked a fashion for nautical clothing. As a surprise for Prince Albert, a sailor suit was made up in child's size for their four-year-old son, 'Bertie', the future King Edward VII. The outfit, recorded the Queen, was 'beautifully made by the man who makes [the same uniforms] for our men'. Despite rough seas, 'the Officers & men (who had asked permission to do so) were all assembled on deck, & cheered [Bertie], seeming quite delighted'. Prince Albert was so pleased with the idea that he commissioned this portrait of Bertie in his outfit as a Christmas gift for Victoria that year. The royal couple frequently showed the painting to friends and visitors, while the young Prince himself often came down for breakfast or luncheon dressed in his outfit, even when he began to outgrow it. In 1847 the portrait was exhibited at St James's Palace, where it was seen by over 100,000 members of the public. Its display helped stimulate a new fashion for children's sailor suits and nautical leisurewear which would last for much of the century.