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As part of the celebration of her Diamond Jubilee, Queen Victoria drove through London on 22 June 1897 with the purpose of seeing her people and receiving their congratulations. In this depiction of the scene Queen Victoria can be seen in an open State la

Royal Jubilees

Milestone years have been celebrated in long reigns since George III

Queen Victoria

Diamond Jubilee, 1897

Portrait of Queen Victoria during her Diamond Jubilee year | RCIN 2105760©

Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, celebrating the 60th anniversary of her accession, took place in 1897. The day itself, 20 June, was a private occasion, marked with a service in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. The queen noted in her journal:

This eventful day, 1897 has opened, and I pray God to help and protect me as He has hitherto done these sixty long eventful years!... God will surely help me on! How well I remember this day sixty years ago when I was called from my bed by dear Mama to receive the news of my accession!

On 21 June, a dinner was held in Buckingham Palace for royal visitors from across Europe. The following day was termed the Festival of the British Empire. The queen made a progress by carriage to St Paul’s Cathedral where a short Service of Thanksgiving was held outside the building – Victoria being unable by this date to manage the steps. Eleven colonial Prime Ministers were in attendance.

Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Thanksgiving service outside St Paul's Cathedral | RCIN 2109683©

The procession continued through the City of London, across London Bridge and through south London before returning over Westminster Bridge to Buckingham Palace. In her journal Victoria wrote:

No one ever, I believe, has met with such an ovation as was given to me, passing through those 6 miles of streets… The cheering was quite deafening & every face seemed to be filled with real joy. I was much moved and gratified.


On 23 June 10,000 school children gathered outside Buckingham Palace to greet the queen. The celebrations continued for another week with events including a state banquet and a garden party.

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