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One-Minute Masterpieces

Most of the works in the exhibition Masterpieces from Buckingham Palace are securely dated and attributed; mostly we know which monarch bought them. But what makes them important? What do they still have to offer? What do you think makes a masterpiece?

In these one-minute videos, Royal Collection staff discuss their favourite paintings on show and how they can be understood from a particular perspective.

Rembrandt van Rijn

Agatha Bas

The use of paint

Rembrandt van Rijn

Self-Portrait in a Flat Cap

The status of the artist

Pieter de Hooch

Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room

Planning the canvas

Pieter de Hooch

Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room

Light and geometry


Pallas Athene

Textures and symbols

Jacob van Ruisdael

Evening Landscape

Attention to detail

Jan Steen

A Woman at her Toilet

Sensual pleasures

Sir Peter Paul Rubens

The Farm at Laken

Peace, land and fertility

The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.