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Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands

Queen Victoria recorded her visits to Scotland with Prince Albert

Photograph of a coastline with a young boy standing in right side profile as he leans against a low stone wall, looking out to sea. The boy wears three-quarter length trousers and is barefoot. In the background stands Dunstaffnage Castle on
Dunstaffnage Castle ©

In 1864, Queen Victoria decided to produce a book featuring diary extracts from her visits to Scotland with Prince Albert alongside albumen photographs taken by George Washington Wilson. In 1865 and 1867, these private versions of Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands were distributed to the Queen’s family and friends.

Independently of the beautiful scenery, there was a quiet, a retirement, a wildness, a liberty, and a solitude that had such a charm for us

Queen Victoria's Journal, 3 October 1844


For the public

A public version of 'Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands' was printed in 1868


George Washington Wilson produced a portfolio of 42 accompanying photographs


The 1868 publication proved so popular it was translated into numerous languages

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