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A mantel clock representing an incident in the struggle between the Sabines and the Romans and an interpretation of Jacques-Louis David's painting when the Sabine women intervene to reconcile the warring parties. Romulus, to the right, is poised to hurl h

Keeping Time: Clocks in the Royal Collection

Extraordinary timepieces in the Royal Collection, 1630-1830


Astronomical clock


RCIN 2821

This four-sided astronomical clock is designed to impress with its comprehensiveness and complexity, and with the superb quality and glamorous materials of its case.  On a visit to its maker's workshop, the diarist Lady Mary Coke noted that the clock's design was ‘partly His Majesty’s and partly Mr Chambers his Architect’.  Although the extent of George III’s contribution is difficult to judge, his involvement reflects his strong interest in all matters of scientific and technological advance.  The clock includes a planisphere (which displays the visible stars at a given time and date), a thermometer, and dials recording the time at locations around the world.

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