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A woodcut showing the Emperor Maximilian in a triumphal chariot.
This large woodcut, over 2 metres in length, was originally planned as part of a huge printed frieze. The work, undertaken by a team of designers and woodblock cutters, was to show a triumph

Highlights from the print collection

An introduction to the print collection of the Royal Collection


The Nativity with Angels

c. 1655

RCIN 970069

Castiglione seems to have invented the technique of monotype, a hybrid of drawing and printmaking. He explored both basic methods, the 'positive' in which the artist works up the image directly on a metal plate with sticky printer’s ink, and the 'negative' in which the plate is coated in ink and the light tones of the image are scraped away. Only 25 or so of Castiglione’s monotypes are known, unique in the seventeenth century; the technique then lay dormant until William Blake independently hit upon the same process, but it was not until the late nineteenth century that artists such as Degas and Gauguin fully exploited its potential.

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