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Dutch Art

The Royal Collection has a stunning collection of seventeenth century Dutch art

Still life of fruit and a pie on a table

The Royal Collection has one of the finest assemblies of seventeenth century Dutch paintings in the world, acquired by different monarchs from the seventeenth century to today. This selection of genre paintings, portraits, landscape and still-lifes demonstrates the broad range and exceptional quality of this collection.

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Background to the collection

The seventeenth century was the Golden Age for Dutch painting


Focused on the daily lives of ordinary folk, many thought Dutch genre painting vulgar


The growing mercantile class was a source of commissions for portrait painters


Dutch landscape painting produced both realistic depictions, and imagined idylls.


During Charles II's reign, still-lifes were hugely admired

The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.