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Picture of Georgian volumes in the Royal Archives

Royal Archives

Cataloguing and digitisation of the Georgian Papers in the Royal Archives

Additional Georgian Papers

Following the presentation of the George III and George IV papers to the Royal Archives, several other smaller collections have been acquired over the years and therefore these are not included in the main Georgian series. These include additional papers of George III and George IV and papers of other members of the royal family, including, most notably, some of the children of George III and Queen Charlotte. A particularly significant collection is that pertaining to the separation and divorce of Queen Caroline and George IV, which culminated in her very public ‘trial’ for adultery.

Princess Elizabeth, Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg, Lady Charlotte Finch,c.1802©

Papers of individuals who were associates of the royal family, such as Lady Charlotte Finch, and General de Budé, governess to the royal children of George III and governor to the younger Princes respectively, can also be found in the Georgian additional series and both of these collections can now be found in Georgian Papers Online. Other papers in the additional series include those of some notable figures from the period, such as the artists Sir Thomas Lawrence and Joseph Farington, 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay, British Ambassador to France, the agriculturalist Nathaniel Kent and Lord Liverpool, Prime Minister between 1812 and 1827. The additional series also contains miscellaneous inventories, Privy Purse papers and accounts.

Georgian material held in the Master of the Household's departmental records are also in the scope of the Georgian Papers Programme. Menu books dating from the Regency, reign of George IV and William IV have been digitised and made available on Georgian Papers Online.

Georgian menu books©

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