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Eastern Encounters

Illustration of an Indian woman holding a flower
This exhibition is in the past. View our current exhibitions.
  • This event is in the past
    Daily (Friday 8 Jun 2018 - Sunday 14 Oct 2018)

The Royal Collection's group of South Asian paintings and manuscripts contains some of the most important and well-preserved examples in the world.  For the first time, highlights from this superb collection will be brought together in an exhibition at The Queen's Gallery exploring the long-standing relationship between the British Crown and South Asia.  From illuminated Mughal manuscripts and exquisite natural history paintings to modern masterpieces and vivid depictions of the Hindu pantheon of gods, the works of art on display will span a geographical expanse from Kashmir to Kerala and a period of more than 400 years.

Highlight objects:

    School sessions

    Themed Week: A Tour of India's Splendours

    Explore the dazzling objects on display in the Prince's Tour of India 1875-6 exhibition and examine the exotic materials and beautiful craftsmanship.

    Details of how to book

    Splendours of the Subcontinent: A Creative Writing workshop

    Explore the narratives portayed through original works of art and contemporary interpretations with a published author to inspire your pupils.

    Details of how to book

    Creating Art: Singh Twins style

    Work with a professional artist, discover how the amazing works of art were created and how similar styles have inspired contemporary artists The Singh Twins.

    Details of how to book

    The income from your ticket contributes directly to The Royal Collection Trust, a registered charity. The aims of The Royal Collection Trust are the care and conservation of the Royal Collection, and the promotion of access and enjoyment through exhibitions, publications, loans and educational activities.